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How to get started with the Farming Simulator League 

September 15th, 2021

Do you like to play Farming Simulator (FS)? Do you have friends who also play FS? Are you ready for competitive farm sim? Then let’s start your path to becoming a Farming Simulator League (FSL) team. Here is how it is done: 


  • You need a copy of Farming Simulator 19 on PC 
  • At least 2 teammates to play with you 
  • A  Dedicated Server running the free FSL Arena DLC, for example from our partner Nitrado


How to get the competitive mode (Tournament Client) 

Go to the FSL website click on LOGIN and if not already done, create an account. After the registration you will receive 3 keys in your account. One is for you and the two others are for your friends. If your team has more than 3 members another person has to register an account.  



At the Download Portal of Giants Software you can enter one of the keys you received. After the download is finished, please install the Tournament Client. 


How to get a server? 

There are multiple ways on how to get a proper server running for the FSL. 
While we provide a handful of public ones, there’s always the advantage of having your own. 
Be it rented from a server provider such as Nitrado, VeryGames, Fragnet or many others. Costs can start as low as 5 bucks a month. 
Got a spare Windows machine around? You can also just host a game from that instead to save the renting costs. All you need is a 2nd license for the game and another FSL Key for activation. 
Just install the game and DLC like you would normally. 


Let’s get started 

After the installation is finished start the game and click on ‘Multiplayer’. Choose the option where to find your server: 

“join game”  

Opens the Server Browser after confirming the region your wanna look in. 
These are just rough filters and will not affect your ping.  

“create game”  

Create your own multiplayer lobby for others to join. Please Note: when creating a lobby directly through your game, you are not able to play yourself. 

“rent dedicated server”  

Will forward you to our site where we share some information & partners for renting your own dedicated server. 


Create your competitive character, give him/her a name and choose the preset region filter that the server / game lobby is located in. 
Finding the game in the server browser will get easy if you use the filter, f. e. choose ‘arena’ at the map section together with the search bar for the name. 


Need company? 

If you need members for a team or if you are searching for a training partner, advice, tactics or anything else get in touch with other players on our Discord server. 


Even if you don’t find anyone who could join, try out the training mode. Here you can find the sheet which should help getting through the first matches. In preparation for the competitive mode, it is also advisable to read the Statsheet. Here you get information regarding vehicles, machines, perks and drops. 



Want to push things further? Go for it! The scrims are like a training session. Anyone can join these scrims. The host of the streams will choose players to play matches from the waiting lobby on the FSL Scrim Discord. Scrimmages are a mixture of beginners and experienced FSL players and is a great way to connect with other players and build up your FSL Arena experience. 

Giants Software offers 2 scrim sessions weekly: 

However, if there is an FSL tournament scheduled for the weekend, scrims will be cancelled that week.